Thankyou for booking - I’m really excited to be your wedding photographer! Weddings are fuuuuunnnn!

Here is some information that might make your wedding planning a little easier. Please let me know at any time if you have any questions. I’m always happy to help especially as I understand you might only ever plan one big event your whole life and I go to weddings all the time!

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Orange Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photographer Near Me

Golden Hour and Portraits

Most wedding ceremonies are scheduled between 3-4.30pm so there is enough time for portraits to be taken during golden hour.

Golden hour is the magical hour of light just before sunset and after sunrise. The light is warm, soft and flattering. It creates a rich colour palette and dreamy tones, and makes your skin look incredible!

It is the ideal light for beautiful portraits which is why we aim to do at least a portion of photographs with you and your lover in golden hour. In summer when sunset is quite late - this means splitting your portraits in two - doing one set after the ceremony and before reception and one small set after - sneaking out of the reception for at least 15 minutes. In winter, it means making sure you have enough time after your ceremony for portraits - at least 30 minutes, ideally an hour.

Noon sun is the harshest light and is very challenging to photograph in, especially with creating contrast on skin tones and people squinting or wanting to wear sunglasses. If you are having a lunchtime wedding we’ll need to find some shade to photograph your portraits - like beautiful big trees. And sunnies off please!

On overcast days we have more flexibility because the light is filtered and becomes softer through cloud cover. We don’t have to worry as much about being exact with golden hour timing but we just have to watch out if it's not too dark outside for portraits - so we might need to bring the portrait session forward slightly. See the sunset calculator below for the exact time on your day - and visit the runsheets section to work out what to do with it!

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Timelines and Runsheets

Runsheets layout all of the timings and events of your wedding day so vendors know what they are supposed to be doing and when.

When you put your runsheet together you’ll have a photography timeline that tells me where to be based on what you are doing, what you want photographed and what time. When I have your runsheet I keep an eye on the time and make sure we stick to what is scheduled so you don’t have to micromanage your runsheet timings and can party instead!

I’ll liaise with the MC and celebrant too so we can take care of the schedule and you can relax and enjoy the moment.

For very detailed information on how to put your run sheet together as well as sample runsheets you can copy and paste to start your own click on the button below.

Weather and Locations

Overcast light and moody skies can be really magical. The soft light will make you look amazing and your photographs will have epic skies and colours. 

We won’t know if it is going to rain on your wedding day until a week or a few days before, so putting a backup plan in place early on is a good idea. It’s very stressful trying to organise wet weather options like marquees or alternate venues days before your wedding. Try to avoid the stress and be prepared! 

You’ll need a wet weather plan for anything that is scheduled to be held outdoors - ceremony and reception. Ask your venue what options are available if it is drizzling or torrential and make sure you’re happy with them.

Rainy days need us to be a bit more flexible with timings so we can make the most of any breaks in the weather, and for me to be creative with where and how I shoot, but there is no reason weddings on overcast or rainy days can’t be as stunning and joyful as sunny weddings! Such a good story too!

If rain is scheduled, you’ll need clear umbrellas for the bridal party and footwear like gumboots, cowboy boots or work boots like RM Willlliams that can handle the water when we go outside. And be prepared to get a little bit wet - if it’s drizzling we still try to get outside.

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Family Photos

There are a few reasons why family photos are important. The main reason is because all of your family will want them - and skipping them can mean that you get asked all day long for photos with different people which can be very annoying!

Family photos I can do in 10-15 minutes easily and make it fun at the same time. All we need is a list of about 10-15 photos like below and someone who has a big voice, knows everyone and has a list too to help me wrangle everyone - have any teacher friends or bossy aunts or uncles? 

It’s also good to do these either straight before (if you are doing a first look) or straight after the ceremony before people wander off to get drinks and go to the loo. If you’d like a group photo we do this first with the family photos immediately afterwards.

A standard family photo list looks like this….

Partner 1 and Partner 2 + Partner 1’s extended family

Partner 1 and Partner 2 + Partner 1’s  immediate family

Partner 1 + immediate family

Partner 1 and Partner 2 + Partner 2’s extended family

Partner 1 and Partner 2 + Partner 2’s  immediate family

Partner 2 + immediate family

Partner 1 and Partner 2 + grandparents

You get the idea! Siblings, parents only, both sets of parents in the photos you can add too - whatever combinations are important to you. Important friend groups you can do here too.

But try and keep it under 15 photos - ideally less than 10 or you will be very sick of them at the end!

Orange Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photographer Near Me
Orange Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photographer Near Me

What I Need From You

There are only three things I need from you before your wedding day and you probably already know exactly what they are now….

  1. Final runsheet or photography timeline

  2. Family photo list

  3. What package and final invoice paid 

As long as all of this is done about a week before your wedding at the latest we are all good! And please any time if you need me, want to ask questions or brainstorm about something, please let me know and I’ll happily help you out. As I said before, I do go to alot of weddings and should have some answers for you!

Planning FAQS

Orange Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photographer Near Me
  • No. It actually is better if you don’t because I can concentrate on what is happening rather than checking the list.

    Saying that, if there are any specific details I might not be aware of or aren’t obvious please let me know.

    Like a relative is quite sick and you’d like a lot of photos of them, or any special details that might not be obvious like a special handkerchief you gave your dad.

    If you look through my recent wedding galleries you’ll see what is typical for me to photograph - basically everything I can see!

  • If you need help with either, please reach out and ask anything you like, anytime before the wedding.

    Otherwise as long as I have everything a week or two before that is fine. Your other vendors will no doubt need it before me, so feel free to send it through earlier too!

  • Yes please! If you book me for more than 5 hours please organise a vegetarian (no eggs) crew meal. I’m not entirely vegan but close. Most venues have no issue with dietaries and have cheaper rates for crew meals!

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